2011 0617



残念ながら死亡事故の75%が溺死、そのうちの90%がライフジャッケットの着用がされてなかったようです。     水遊びにはライフジャケット着用守りましょう。  Water Safty!!

US Coast Guard reports record low boating fatality rate.

Last year’s death toll of 672 is 26 deaths lower than the average number for the past decade.

The US Coast Guard yesterday reported that boating fatality rates in the US declined last year, reaching a record low of 672. The US Recreational Boating Statistics 2010 also reported the number of accidents was 4,604, which resulted in US$35.5m worth of damage to property.

The Coast Guard said that 2010's number was four fatalities fewer than than last year and 26 deaths lower than the average number over the past 10 years. Roughly 75 per cent of all victims drowned, and 90 per cent of those were not wearing a lifejacket.